Friday, May 11, 2012

There is no such thing as "American exceptionalism"

I have NO concept anymore of what some people term “American exceptionalism;” to me, it’s a phony expression to place ourselves (as a country) on a pedestal where we do NOT belong. All too often it’s uttered by conservative religious people to help justify their personal concept of their religion being superior to others, or by politicians to score cheap press and unworthy personal attacks upon an opponent’s character.
Because based on what’s been happening lately, the United States is NOT exceptional when:
Our math and science test scores are below most other industrial nations. We used to be number one, but the current generations of ruling adults forgot how that top ranking happened and downgraded the position (and pay) and importance of educators. Not paying taxes became more important than educating future occupants of the nation.
A particular group of ruling politicians decide that cutting support programs (into the trillions of dollars) was required for women, the poor and children in the areas of health, nutrition, education, financial support and research science. Such draconian measures were approved in favor of continuing to provide unfair tax loopholes and unneeded cuts for the very, very rich among us PLUS increasing the military complex in a time when scaling down should be the policy. Again, shared sacrifice has taken the same meaning in Congress as “compromise” – it means “I will only support my positions and force you, by any means, to support my positions.”
People continue to deny (at the ballot box) basic human rights to all American citizens while screaming about requiring undisturbed protection of the Constitution of their rights. The Constitution isn’t ONLY applicable to white, straight, Christian individuals. If you honestly think it does, or should, find another country to reside!
People are openly supporting the murder of a young adult by an armed vigilante, merely for the color of his skin or the clothes on his back. These same people also want unfettered protection under a law that permits anyone with a gun to shoot first and ask questions later (or never). Yes, they’re right – guns don’t kill people. People with too many damn-ass guns kill people all the freaking time! And too many Americans think that’s more important of a right than free speech, religious freedom, a free press and the right to a fair trial when accused.
People, especially Southern Republican politicians, openly support the denial of voting rights through bogus issues and unconstitutional laws requiring state IDs in order to vote (a requirement for state or federal IDs is not in the U.S. Constitution; the right to vote IN the U.S. Constitution).
All this blatant voter suppression, for the singular goal of un-electing a particular president, should curdle the blood of EVERY American (regardless of political affiliation) because the tables could turn and it could happen to the other “side.” It’s a quick step down a greased slide to dictatorship!
People offhandedly dismiss bullying, at the elementary and secondary school level, as “rite of passage” and “school yard pranks” when it is (and was, Mr. Romney) … an assault upon another’s person, which is a felon in ANY jurisdiction (except when it involves a privileged rich boy who becomes a privileged rich man wanting what he thinks he’s “entitled” to have – the Presidency). And you simply do not chuckle and laugh the incident away while denying any knowledge of your past indiscretions.
Such actions have long-lasting and profound effects upon victims. If that is Romney’s actual and complete reaction, in the face of witnesses with identical recall, then he shows himself only to be an empty suit (no disclosure of actual domestic or foreign policy other than “Whatever Obama is for, I’m against”) and empty soul (no empathy for the poor, struggling homeowners, workers, women who aren’t exactly like his wife).
No ... none of that makes America exceptional; far from it. And those who blindly claim it to be that way need to look in the mirror to discover why it isn’t.
And you’ll see what we’ve become.cial support, science and human rights in favor of continuing to provide tax loopholes and cuts for the very, very rich among us AND increasing the military complex in a time when scaling down is required
People continue to deny basic human rights to all citizens while screaming about protection of the Constitution of theirs
People openly support the murder of a young adult merely for the color of his skin or the clothes on his back and claim protection under a law that permits anyone with a gun to shoot first and ask questions later (or never)
People openly support the denial of voting rights because of which political party is in power through bogus issues and unconstitutional laws requiring state IDs in order to vote (state IDs not in US Constitution; right to vote IN US Constitution)
People offhandedly dismiss bullying as "rite of passage" and "school yard pranks" when it is (and was, Mr. Romney) assault upon another's person - a felon in ANY jurisdiction (except when it involves a privileged rich boy who becomes a privileged rich man wanting what he thinks he's "entitled" to have - the Presidency)
No ... none of that makes America exceptional. Far from it. And those who blindly claim it to be so, need to look in the mirror to discover why it isn't