Tuesday, March 06, 2007

More signs that politics matter more than people to Bush Administration

A CNN report aired tonight is a perfect example of how morally corrupt the Bush Administration is about handling disasters. Politics rule above all else!
Over the past two weeks, three states have been ravaged by tornadoes, causing death and destruction - Arkansas, Georgia and Alabama. Two states have been declared disaster areas, eligible for federal assistance from that fine example of common sense and quick action - FEMA.
Care to guess which two?
President Bush flew down within 48 hours of one disaster to inspect the damage in two states and offer a shoulder to cry upon.
Care to guess which two?
Two of the three states have Republican governors. The third has a Democrat in the state house.
Care to guess which two?
Answer: Georgia and Alabama to all of the above. Arkansas is still waiting for help, despite the presence of 8,000 (that number IS correect) idle, empty FEMA trailers in ... Hope, Arkansas, home to that previous president, Bill Clinton.
A Democrat.
Oh yeah, a Democrat is governor of Louisiana and New Orleans and other affected parts of that state from 2005's Hurricane Katrina are STILL fucking waiting for the help, homes, trailers and attention PROMISED by George W. Bush, once he got his sorry ass there and after stating such a promise on national television.
Of course, he first visited Alabama Or Ala-fucking-bama to quote Joe Pesci) and Mississippi before he even sniffed setting foot in NOLA. Guess who has Republican governors???
With each passing day, this man in the White House becomes a national embarassment because cronyism and hackism combined with politics rules the day. Those living in states not friendly to "Hack" Bush can go fuck themselves for all he and his cohorts care.
Think it's all just some dumb luck coincidence? Puh-lese! Modus operendi, baby.
For the sake of this country's future, Jan. 20, 2009 can't COME fast enough.

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