Wednesday, May 19, 2010

See "The Pacific" over Memorial Day on HBO

Attention! On Memorial Day Monday, May 31, Home Box Office has scheduled to air the brilliant miniseries "The Pacific," in its entirety, back--to-back, all 10 episodes in a row, starting at 2 p.m. (Eastern)/1 p.m. (Central).
If you have NOT seen it, you must! If yo've already seen it, see it again. It's THAT good!!!
That effort is why HBO stands head and shoulders above ALL other pay cable, or anything else, on television.
And I might suggest watching some of the outstanding documentaries on HBO's side channels (notable Signature), uncluding one called "Souting Fire" about the First Amendment and the various attacks on our freedom of speech and religion in this nation - sacrificing freedom for security. As Jefferson said, "When you sacrifice one, you get neither."

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