Monday, August 15, 2011

Another childhood sign goes up in smoke

Yet ANOTHER sad sign of my childhood, or anyone having grown up in Detroit, Mich., has been destroyed.
This from today's (August 15)
Detroit’s iconic giant stove, on the old Michigan State Fairgrounds, was destroyed by fire during Saturday’s thunderstorms.
“It’s one of the major icons, I think, kind of like the big tire out on I-94,” said Michigan photographer and historical photo collector Jan Kaulins, who has studied the background of the metal-and-wood stove. “Just a bit of our history, something that’ll never be replaced. No one’s going to build another 'World’s Biggest Stove.' ”
Detroit firefighters said they had seen a lot of lightning strikes in the vicinity of the giant stove at the old Michigan State Fairgrounds at 8 Mile and Woodward just before the fire was called in at 9:05 p.m. Saturday, Acting Captain Pat McNulty said.
When crews arrived, the stove was fully engulfed in flames, he said.
The stove was destroyed.
The stove, a 25-foot-tall replica of a Garland model built by the Michigan Stove Co., was created for the 1893 Exposition in Chicago, according to Kaulins.
Around that time, Detroit was known as the center of the stove-building industry. After the expo, the stove was moved to the entrance of Belle Isle, then to the fairgrounds in 1965, Kaulins said.

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