Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Finally some truth about the lies

It's taken a few years to happen, but finally, a Congressional investigative ocmmittee is asking some hard questions about the lies told by the Pentagon and U.S. military with regards to the fabircations surrounding the death of Army Ranger Pat Tillman and rescued soldier Jessica Lynch.
Bottom line is this: the Republicans wouldn't hold these hearings because they were scared of the Army brass and Donald Rumsfeld. Criticizing these bastards for lying was twisted into showing a lack of support for the troops.
That is such bullshit! Liars are liars, regardless of a uniform or three-piece suit. Our fighting men and women and their families deserve truth. War is not an alibi to sacrfiice the truth.
Yet truth is the biggest casualty since the Bush White House came into power.
Oops, I'm sorry - it just can't recall.
I hope Congress skins these people alive for the harm and hurt they've deliberately concocted upon families. It is inexcusable.
Shame, shame on ALL of them.

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