Thursday, April 12, 2007

How low as a society can we stoop?

Perhaps the real debate over language and statements (such as was made by Don Imus) needs to be expanded to what this country now believes is "entertainment."
For years, blowhard Rush Limbaugh has been categorized as a "radio entertainer," not any kind of journalist (which he is NOT; he used to work PR for the Kansas City Royals). But what does THAT say about our society that a man who literally chastisted and wickedly attacked the appearance of Chelsea Clinton during the entire Clinton Administration - merely to "entertain?" As a father of two daughters, that is the biggest reason why I believe that man should have an audience of one (himself).
Once upon a time, actual talent was the guiding light. Now it is shock and schlock that rules the day. Don Imus had been make an exceptional living at it for 3-4 decades because the level of acceptance is as low in our society as it has ever been. Millions watch, and then stupidly analyze, the no talents on "American Idol," led by a man who has gained wealth for insulting them.
I chalk it up to the divisive political/social climate where the "win at all costs, even at the expense of other people's reputations" attitude has ruled since 1980. It isn't enough to be comfortable within your own skin; you have to destroy those different from you in order to achieve that comfort level.
Watch to see how many radio "entertainers," who engage in the same methodology, defend Imus. They now see what can happen to their golden goose and they could be next.
One more point: While the news often has an irony all its own, the linkage of the Duke rape case to Don Imus is totally imappropriate. Race is common in both cases, but one was a criminal case that should never have been (why haven't the investigators been more closely scrutinized?) because of a false accusation; the other was a by-product of attitude.
Don Imus should not be imprisoned; Mike Nifong might well need to be.

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