Monday, April 30, 2007

'The Sopranos' finale scenario

In all the blogs about the end of "The Sopranos," everyone has missed the key scene of last night's show. It was short and not that noticeable, but when put together with two other scenes, you have the utlimate finale (which I have blogged to others in past weeks).
And it goes like this: Tony is in deep ... "shower scene" (that could be the most lasting impression of 2007) with the FBI; they finally got him by the canolis.
HOWEVER, Tony is going to pass along some important information to his cop buddy-snitch at the ... Department of Homeland Security about the two Bada-Bing Arabic wannabes who he spotted last night outside of what looked like a mosque.
Can you spell "terrorist cell?"
That is the chip, the winning bet, if you will, that he will play to "retire" to Florida as an ex-boss ... with others to fight over his turf
Some will not survive; some will thrive. But Tony Soprano will live to belittle Carmela amother day. AJ will be king of the pizzeria, although he won't be in any Puerto Rican Pride parades and Meadow will have nothing to do with her father
Tony will be probably alone as he should be - no Dr. Melfi, perhaps no Carm, no Paulie, no Chris-tah-fuh and no Sil (he's just 24/7 Baba Bing).
To think about what his life has been and will be.
Mark my words, please.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Well, Chuck - So close, yet so far. With 5 episodes left, that does seem possible. You forget that Mr. Chase is big on dream sequences. Expect another. And about Meadow...well, lets just say shes living a very nice lifestyle...has a nice new car... ;)